Indian Journal of Community Psychology is included in the UGC list of Journals in Applied Psychology at S.No.260 and Journal No.64804 (till 2nd May,2018).
The Journal seeks to publish articles related to community problems, theory, research and practice
All the articles are reviewed by the Editorial Consultants. it is a peer reviewed and refereed journal. Articles are evaluated according to the following criteria :
a.Significanceofcontribution b.Adequacyofresearchmethods
c.Appropriateness d.Clarityofpresentation
We invite special articles that advance our understanding of community problems, community mental health and intervention techniques stimulating debate and discussion.
All articles should comply with the following guidelines :
Submission : Authors should email their manuscript at together with one identical hard copy. Articles may also be submitted on a CD prepared in MS-Word alongwith the identical hard copy.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the format prescribed by the American Psychological Association. They should not exceed 15 double spaced typed pages. Authors will receive the decision on their manuscripts in about a year of receipt. They may also be requested to see the final proof of their articles.
Peer Review Policy: All the articles submitted for publication is reviewed by 02 consultant Editors following the instruction provided for them .If authors wish to be referred anonymously, they should state so and prepare their manuscripts with identities showing on the title page only. Any paper is accepted only after being reviewed by 02 consultant editors and the author/authors have incorporated the suggestion provided by the Editor. It approximately takes 01 year from the date of submissin for publication of an article in IJCP.
Title : The Tile should be concise and should be on separate sheet together with the author's name (s), Current position, address, telephone, fax, email followed by an abstract of 50-200 words. A short title of not more than 40 characters should also be given
Acknowledgment : should be as brief as possible on a separate page or as foot note on the first page.
Tables and Graphs : Tables and graphs should be on separate pages having their intended position clearly indicated in the text. Width of tables should not exceed 4.5 inches. Kindly do not make boxes and lines but keep the data separated by tabs either.
Statistics : Results of the statistical analysis should be given as F (2,10) = 6.50, P<.05. Similarly for t and other tests.
References : TheAPAstyle of referencing be used.All the works cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and must not be numbered. References should follow the text and their style beas follows :
1: Books : Fisher, S. and Cooper, C. (1990). On theMove. NewYork :Wiley.
2: Chapter in Cited Book : Tanenbaum, G. and Bar-eli, M. (1993). Decision-making in sports : A cognitive perspective. In R.N. Singer, M. Murphy and L.K. Tennant (Eds.) Handbook of Research on sport Psychology (pp. 171-192), New York : Macmillan.
3: JournalArticle: Baby J. (2004). Relaxation : The Yogasana Way. Indian Journal of CommunityPsychology, I (1), 200-216.
Declaration by Authors: |
The articles must be accompanied with an undertaking that the same has not been published else where and is not under review by another publication. The opinions and statements published are the responsibilities of the authors and do not represent the policies ofCPAI or the views of Editor. Rejected Articles will not be returned unless supported by postage.
Plagiarism is an offense: Please check your paper carefully for possible plagiarism. You may use any free plagiarism checker available at the internet before submitting the paper.
Ethical Policy: Authors have to declare that no harm has been made to any person physically, emotionally, socially, and economically directly or indirectly during the course of their research. They have to declare that if there has been any legal issue that has been effectively resolved. They also have to declare that the subjects of their research (human beings) have been informed about the aim of the research and their permission has been taken before the start of the research. Researchers have to give an undertaking that the responses of the individual will be kept confidential and will be used only for researcch. In short, they have to follow the ethics code provided by American Psychological Association.